Metz, M. & Davis, B. (2020). Procedural steps, conceptual steps, and critical discernments: A necessary evolution of school mathematics in the information age. In S.A. Costa, M. Danesi, & D. Martinovic (Eds.), Mathematics (Education) in the Information Age (pp. 185-218). Springer, Cham.
-The above article emphasizes the importance of structured variation in both the development of and teaching of well-structured mathematical knowledge.
Preciado-Babb, A. P., Metz, M., Davis, B., & Sabbaghan, S. (2019). Transcending contemporary obsessions: The development of a model for teacher professional development. In S. Llinares & O. Chapman (Eds.), Tools and Processes in Mathematics Teacher Education, Volume 2 of The International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education (2nd Ed). SENSE|Brill Publishers.
Preciado-Babb, A. P., Metz, M., & Davis, B. (2019). How variance and invariance can inform teachers’ enactment of mathematics lessons? In R. Huang, A. Takahashi & J. P. da Ponte (Eds.), Theory and practice of lesson study in mathematics: An international perspective. Springer, Cham. Online:
Preciado-Babb, A. P., Metz, M., Sabbaghan, S. & Davis, B. (2018). The role of continuous assessment and effective teacher response in engaging all students. In R. Hunter, M. Civil, Herbel-Eisenmann, N. Planas & D. Wagner (Eds.) Mathematical discourse that breaks barriers and creates space for marginalized learners (pp. 101-120). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Online:
Metz, M., Preciado-Babb, A. P., Sabbaghan, S., Davis, B., & Ashebir, A. (2017). Using variation to critique and adapt mathematical tasks. In P. Preciado Babb, L. Yeworiew, & S. Sabbaghan (Eds.). Selected Proceedings of the IDEAS Conference: Leading Educational Change, pp. 169-178. Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.
Metz, M., Preciado-Babb, A. P., Sabbaghan, S., Davis, B., & Ashebir, A. (2017). Attending and responding to what matters: A protocol to enhance mathematics pedagogy. In P. Preciado Babb, L. Yeworiew, & S. Sabbaghan (Eds.). Selected Proceedings of the IDEAS Conference: Leading Educational Change, pp. 179-190. Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.
Aljarrah, A., Preciado Babb, A. P., Metz, M., Sabbaghan, S., Pinchbeck, G. G., & Davis, B. (2016). Transforming mathematics classroom settings into spaces of expanding possibilities. In M. Takeuchi, A.P. Preciado Babb, & J. Lock. (Eds.) IDEAS 2016: Designing for Innovation Selected Proceedings (pp. 162-170). Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education.
Metz, M., Preciado Babb, A. P., Sabbaghan, S., Aljarrah, A., Pinchbeck, G., & Davis, B. (2016). Transcending traditional/Reform dichotomies in mathematics education. In M. B. Wood, E. E. Turner, M. Civil & J. A. Eli (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1253-1258). Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona. 38 2016 Proceedings.pdf
Metz, M., Preciado Babb, A. P., Sabbaghan, S., Pinchbeck, G., Aljarrah, A., & Davis, B. (2016). Teachers’ awareness of variation. In M. Takeuchi, A.P. Preciado Babb, & J. Lock. (Eds.) IDEAS 2016: Designing for Innovation Selected Proceedings (pp. 182-191). Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education.
Preciado Babb, A. P., Aljarrah, A., Sabbaghan, S., Metz, M., Pinchbeck, G. G., Davis, B. (2016). Teachers’ perceived difficulties for creating mathematical extension at the boundary of students’ discernments (short oral presentation). In M. B. Wood, E. E. Turner, M. Civil & J. A. Eli (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 514-517). Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona. 38 2016 Proceedings.pdf
Preciado Babb, A. P., Metz, M., Sabbaghan, S., Pinchbeck, G. G., Aljarrah, A., & Davis, B. (2016). Addressing the challenge of differentiation in elementary mathematics classrooms. In M. Takeuchi, A.P. Preciado Babb, & J. Lock. (Eds.) IDEAS 2016: Designing for Innovation Selected Proceedings (pp 203-212). Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education.
Sabbaghan, S., Preciado Babb, A. P., Metz, M., Aljarrah, A., Pinchbeck, G. G., & Davis, B. (2016). Juxtaposing mathematical extensions with cognitively loaded questions in the mathematics classroom. In M. Takeuchi, A.P. Preciado Babb, & J. Lock. (Eds.) IDEAS 2016: Designing for Innovation Selected Proceedings (pp. 213-223). Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education.
Preciado Babb, A. P., Metz, M., Sabbaghan, S., Davis, B. (2016). Fine-Grained, Continuous Assessment for the Diverse Classroom: A Key Factor to Increase Performance in Mathematics. In Proceedings of the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting 2016 (pp. 1-20).
Metz, M., Sabbaghan, S., Preciado Babb, A. P., & Davis, B. (2015). One step back, three forward success through mediated challenge. In A. P. Preciado Babb, Takeuchi, M., & Lock, J (Eds.) Proceedings of the IDEAS 2015: Design Responsive Conference (pp. 178-186). Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education.
Preciado Babb, A. P., Metz, M., Sabbaghan, S., & Davis, B. (2015). Insights on the relationships between mathematics knowledge for teachers and curricular material. In T. G. Bartell, K. N. Bieda, R. T. Putnam, K. Bradfield & H. Dominguez (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th annual meeting of the North American chapter of the international group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 796-803). Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Preciado Babb, A. P., McInnis, V., Metz, M., Sabbaghan, S., & Davis, B. (2015). Epiphanies in mathematics teaching: The personal learning experience of an elementary teacher in the Math Minds Initiative. In A. P. Preciado Babb, Takeuchi, M., & Lock, J (Eds.) Proceedings of the IDEAS 2015: Design Responsive Conference (pp. 187-197). Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education.
Sabbaghan, S., Preciado Babb, A. P., Metz, M., & Davis, B. (2015). Dynamic responsive pedagogy: Implications of micro-level scaffolding. In A. P. Preciado Babb, Takeuchi, M., & Lock, J (Eds.) Proceedings of the IDEAS 2015: Design Responsive Conference (pp. 198-207). Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education.
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